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Time to think about lawn reseeding and fall repair?

Jan 11, 2024

Turfgrasses grow best in good quality, free-draining soil with adequate nutrients for healthy growth. The first step to understanding the quality of the soil is to carry out a soil test. If the soil drains well, with adequate nutrients and a pH between 6 and 7, the only soil amendment needed during the seeding process may be a starter fertilizer applied at the time of seeding. OSU Extension in Fairfield County can assist you with your soil testing needs. Call 740-653-5419 for details or stop by our office located in the Fairfield County Ag Center located at 831 College Ave.

Many lawns in Ohio (especially new lawns) are growing on soils that contain appreciable amount of clay. These soils are considered lower quality because they lack organic matter and are prone to compaction, resulting in poor drainage. These soils, particularly if they are not graded correctly, require a more aggressive approach to soil amendment.

There are two approaches to soil improvement – (1) Topdressing with a soil amendment, or (2) mixing/rototilling a soil amendment into the top 4-6” of topsoil.

Spread good quality compost/topsoil across the lawn surface to a depth of ¼ to ½ inch. Rake, drag, or brush the material into the lawn. Water the material in.

Next, remove dead/old vegetation so that only bare soil remains. This can be accomplished with a hard rake, or by lightly rototilling. Spread 1-2 inches of good quality compost across the soil surface and rototill to a depth of 4-6 inches. Perform this task when the soil is fairly dry.

During the tilling process, remove rocks, wood pieces, and thick roots.Typically, 2-3 passes with the rototiller are enough to mix the materials together.

After tilling, use a rake to grade soil, sloping away from the property. A typical slope is 2-5%. The finished seedbed surface should comprise of a soil that has small aggregates, is even (no bumps or depressions) with a loose, friable appearance.

Preparing a seedbed in small patches (dog pee spots, high traffic areas under swing sets, etc.) can be easily accomplished with a garden weasel. Remove dead grass/weeds and hand-till the soil with a weasel until it creates a crumbly tilth. Mix seed with topsoil & starter fertilizer to create a divot mix, and patch those small areas by hand.

Types of soil amendments --Choose a good quality compost or topsoil material that will ultimately improve soil drainage and soil fertility levels. Composts are derived from a variety of materials like sewage sludge (called biosolids), manure, yard waste, spent mushroom compost, coffee grounds, and food waste. Composting facilities are regulated by the EPA and suppliers will help you choose the best source. Ideally, a lawn compost would have a bulking agent like woodchip, have no weed seeds present, and not be too odoriferous. Biosolids and manures will have an odor for a couple of weeks after application. Work with your local soil supplier to pick a good quality topsoil or compost material for your yard.

Starter Fertilizer-A starter fertilizer contains phosphorus (P), as well as other macronutrients. Even if the soil is amended with compost or topsoil (or a combination of both), a starter fertilizer applied at the same time as seeding will provide the germinated seedlings the best possible scenario for nutrient uptake because of its proximity to the seed. A typical application rate for starter fertilizer is 1 lb. nitrogen per 1,000 sq.ft

In summary, the Golden Rule of seedbed preparation is to create a soil surface that maximizes seed-to- soil contact. The seedbed must have a friable, aggregated soil surface so that seed can be lightly raked or dragged into the soil surface. The ideal seedbed is created by either topdressing, rototilling, or on a small scale, using a tool like a weasel.

Source: Pam Sherratt,Turfgrass Specialist in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science at The Ohio State University.

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If you have questions or want to learn more about the Spotted Lantern Fly and its effect on you and your landscape make plans to join OSU Extension’s Carrie Brown at the Fairfield County Ag Center at 2 p.m. for a Spotted Lantern Fly update on Aug. 31. The program will last for approximately 1 hour and will include all of the details you need to know about the expected infestation of Spotted Lantern Fly across the State. For more details contact OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-653-5419.

Planting for Pollinators in Your Home Landscape: 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 29.Location: Fairfield County District Library, 219 N Broad St., Lancaster, OH 43130Discover how to create a pollinator-friendly landscape! Join OSU Extension Educator, Carrie Brown, as we explore the basics behind using native flowering plants to attract local pollinators.This program is open to adults, teens, and their families.Register at: